Promotional price
At the moment, Tronsmart HALO 110 can be ordered at the cheapest price from the online store Geekbuying. Shipping from the European (EU) warehouse to Lithuania takes about 1-2 weeks, no additional taxes or duties need to be paid. The seller takes care of everything.
Tronsmart BT column
HALO 110 + microphone
EU warehouse
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INFO: No additional taxes or duties when buying from an EU warehouse
Shipping from the EU warehouse takes about 1-2 weeks on average. There are no additional taxes or duties to pay, everything is taken care of by the seller.
Tronsmart HALO 100 / HALO 110 - one of the best Tronsmart bluetooth speakers! This model features 60W power, IPX6 water resistance and LED lights that react and pulse to the beat of the music! This model can also be used as a Power Bank to charge your phone or tablet!
Would you like to know about all the pluses, minuses and comparison of Tronsmart HALO 100 with other Force MAX models? Then read the detailed review below!
NiuxTech Review