Super price
Currently, the cheapest McLaren / Lomborghini constructors can be ordered from the AliExpress e-store. Shipping from the China (CN) warehouse to Lithuania takes about 3-4 weeks, no additional taxes or duties need to be paid.
McLaren P1 (3893 items)
Lamborghini (3696 items)
China warehouse
First time ordering from AliExpress? Learn how to order!
INFO: For purchases up to €150 - no additional taxes or duties need to be paid
Shipping time from China (CN) warehouse depends on the shipping method chosen. For purchases up to €150 - no additional taxes or duties need to be paid.
China warehouse
First time ordering from AliExpress? Learn how to order!
INFO: For purchases up to €150 - no additional taxes or duties need to be paid
Shipping time from China (CN) warehouse depends on the shipping method chosen. For purchases up to €150 - no additional taxes or duties need to be paid.