Kaabo Mantis KING GT - is the "king" status still maintained in 2024?

When it seems that you have tried quite a few powerful, fast and distinctive scooters, there is always another one that tries to prove that it is better than the others. This happened again, and today's review is a little different.

Kaabo Mantis KING GT


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What did we like?

  • Very fast acceleration
  • Ability to control the power of each motor separately
  • Soft and comfortable ride
  • Two charging sockets are conveniently located
  • Excellent brakes

What didn't we like?

  • Steering wheel instability at higher speeds
  • The app on the phone for controlling the scooter is missing
  • The rear mudguard rattles when driving over larger potholes
  • Sufficiently long start-up and ready-to-drive time

We usually try to review the latest products, but the Kaabo Mantis King GT is no longer the newest scooter on the market - it was introduced in 2022, but that's not the end of the story. In terms of its technical parameters, it is not much inferior to newer scooters - powered by two 1100W motors, this 60V 24Ah scooter can reach a speed of 70 km/h.

According to its data, it is very similar to the Teverun Fighter Mini Pro, but the Mantis King GT surpasses the latter in the power of its engines and the declared maximum speed. In this review, we will share a comparison of both scooters, as well as our experiences and impressions.


In the box, you will find the scooter carefully packed, with its steering wheel removed for transport. In addition to the scooter, you will find a user manual, assembly tools, a clip-on bag and two chargers. True, the second charger is most likely added by the seller, and when you shop at different sellers, you can only expect to get one. It takes up to 20 minutes to assemble the scooter and prepare it for the first ride.

First impressions

The color of the Kaabo Mantis King GT test model we received is gold. And although these are only gold accents, black dominates. Visually, it's a fairly subtle scooter that stands out on the street more for its size than for its bold colors.

The opportunity to choose a color when buying a scooter is really rare, and this manufacturer offers even three of them: black with gold, black with red accents and completely black. This decision by the manufacturer is very welcome and we would really like to see more such options on the market.

On first impression, the Mantis King GT looks really great. Everywhere you touch it, everything is solid and high-quality, and you won't find cheaper parts in this scooter. On the left side of the steering wheel you will find the turn/light/signal buttons and the scooter control buttons with USB connection.

There is a large screen in the middle of the steering wheel. Unlike the Teverun Fighter Mini Pro, this screen is not built into the handlebar, and its angle can be adjusted to suit everyone's needs. This is a huge plus, because the screens installed in Teverun are too low, which often makes it necessary to lower your head while driving.

A thumb-operated speed lever is mounted on the right side of the steering wheel. Personally, the lever controlled by the index finger is more comfortable and we used this one during testing (it was purchased separately, and we did not feel the difference between the two during acceleration, but the one controlled by the thumb has a slightly larger "dead zone", i.e. the press is longer until the scooter starts moving... ).

Steering wheel knobs are made of quality rubber material. They are fixed to the steering wheel with the help of screws, which means that they will not rotate while driving. The brake levers are of high quality, do not move sideways (up and down) and do not stick - this is just part of the Kaab hydraulic brake system.

The wires from the steering components are led to the steering stem, and from its bottom they are wrapped with additional material, so they are not visible at all. The material covering the wires is visually much more attractive than the more common protections where the wires are wrapped in rubber (resembling a wired telephone cord).

The steering column is fixed with a hook. It's somewhat unusual to see a different, separate, folding mechanism, but once it's locked, everything stays firmly in place and nothing wobbles. After folding the scooter, it is quite inconvenient to "hook" its steering wheel to the parking platform, because the hook cavity at the top of the steering stem is a little too small for easy and quick hooking.

The standing platform is very wide, and the rubber coating is glued perfectly. After trying with different footwear, the feet do not slip and there is plenty of room to stand. From the ground to the lowest point of the platform - 17 cm, so this should make it easier to pass on all roads (be it forest tracks with tree roots or high curbs).

The 10-inch wheels of the scooter are covered by fairly large and wide fenders. The rebound of the Kaabo Mantis King GT shock absorbers is adjustable, so everyone can adjust the scooter according to themselves. You can feel the softness of the shock absorbers only when you stand on the scooter.

Ride quality/comfort

Although they say "don't judge a book by its cover", this saying does not apply to the Mantis King GT. At first glance, it is sturdy, soft and comfortable - after the first ride, this scooter did not change my opinion at all.

A comfortable and wide standing platform allows you to place your feet as desired. The steering wheel is at a comfortable height, the handles are comfortable and holding the steering wheel while driving is not tiring at all. The brakes did not disappoint at all, and at high speeds you can stop practically instantly. I spent about 2 hours on this scooter during the range test. I had to drive through them at a higher speed and on an uneven road surface, but I did not feel tired.

Similar to the Teverun Fighter Mini Pro, this scooter simply soaks up road bumps, in the good sense of the word. When driving over cobblestones, only a slight thump is felt, and after overcoming the unevenness of forest paths, neither arms nor legs get tired.

The front light of this scooter is installed on the top of the handlebar, and the light is very bright and wide for safe driving at night. Corners are visible from the front and rear, and the taillight is also bright enough. When the lighting is turned on, the LED strips in the housing of the parking platform also turn on. 

It is not possible to switch or change colors through the scooter menu. The Kaabo Mantis King GT scooter does not have a mobile app, but connecting to the LED Hue app allows you to change the color combinations or turn off the LED strip completely.

Screen and settings

The information provided on the screen is quite standard - you can see the distance covered, time, selected "rail", etc. It is good that the screen is perfectly visible in bright sunlight and through polarized glasses, while the Teverun Fighter Mini Pro had to be tilted to the side when looking through the glasses.

The Mantis King GT does not have the usual NFC lock, but it can be locked with a digital 4-digit code, so each time it is turned on, it should be entered before driving. Personally, it's more convenient than an NFC card that you always have to have with you.

Mantis King GT has 6 rails (one of them ECO mode), 5 of which can be individually adjusted according to your needs. The maximum speed, the power used by each engine and the level of E-ABS can be changed in the "Advanced settings" settings section.

It is the engine power limitation that is one of the best features of this scooter as this scooter accelerates extremely quickly. Is it bad? Not really, but sometimes you want to ride quite calmly, especially when driving in the city center, where the traffic is quite intense.

Maximum speed and acceleration

With the default settings, it's hard enough to find a comfortable rail when driving from a place. The 3rd gear feels quite gentle, but the maximum speed is only 40 km/h. In the 4th gear, the speed increases to 50 km/h, but the acceleration is already too sudden and it is quite difficult to move safely from a place among other road users.

It was the already mentioned "advanced" settings that allowed this scooter to be fully adjusted according to your needs, and then this scooter became one of the favorite scooters tested. We didn't measure specific acceleration times, but this scooter definitely accelerates faster than the Teverun Fighter Mini Pro, and the latter does so a little more gently.

With the Mantis King GT scooter, I managed to reach a speed of 67.5 km/h on a flat surface (the maximum speed recorded by the Strava app) - at a temperature of 24°C, 77 kg. for the driver's weight (with clothing), and the maximum recommended tire pressure (50 PSI). True, the speed of 70 km/h was shown on the scooter's screen.

Driving uphill

We could not find insurmountable mountains with the Kaabo Mantis King GT - Narbuto st. managed to cover the hill at a speed of just over 60 km/h, which is the same speed as nearby cars going up the same hill. Želvo st. at the highest point of the mountain, this scooter maintained a speed of 50 km/h. These speeds only prove that this scooter will be enough to overcome practically all the heights of Lithuania.

Battery and distance covered

According to the manufacturer, this scooter can cover a distance of up to 90 kilometers at a speed of 25 km/h, which is a rather optimistic statement when riding in real conditions. Well, we managed to cover 50.81 km with a fully charged scooter (weight, air and others already mentioned in the maximum speed section) driving with two engines and at the highest speed (as far as the traffic conditions allowed).

The average speed of this ride is 28.5 km/h, but this parameter was significantly influenced by the last kilometers of the ride, when the scooter reached less than 10 percent. battery level. And although 50 kilometers are not declared as 90 kilometers, I expected such a covered distance.

Comparing the Kaabo Mantis King GT (60V 24Ah) with the Teverun Fighter Mini Pro (60V 25Ah), the latter covered 57.58 kilometers during testing. Charge the Mantis King GT from 0 to 100 percent with a single charger. it took just over 12 hours. With two chargers, the time is almost cut in half.

Disadvantages of the scooter

No matter how great a scooter is, there is no limit to perfection. The Mantis King GT also has a few drawbacks, and one of them is quite serious. Let's start with the simpler disadvantages - if you use a code to activate the scooter, quite a lot of time passes from the moment you activate the scooter and start driving.

The scooter turns on in a few seconds, the code is entered, and then, after each turn on, you have to turn on your rail again and turn on the two motors, because the scooter is back to its "default" 1 rail and one motor mode. For those who ride short distances and frequently turn the scooter on and off, this can be a bit annoying.

The included rear mudguard is long and does a decent job of protecting against mud when driving on wet roads. However, it is flexible enough. When driving faster over a pothole or when driving off the curb, there is always a knocking sound.

The control buttons on the steering wheel of the scooter also have a USB connection. Like most, the first thought is that it's an opportunity to charge your phone, which is awesome. Unfortunately, after testing several devices, none of which made the scooter boot, I was able to find information that this connector is only used to change the scooter's software.

Perhaps the biggest problem with the Mantis King GT is felt at higher speeds. When driving above 50 km/h, the steering wheel vibrated or moved slightly to the sides (similar to the "death wobble" that usually occurs when riding a motorcycle, but not as extreme). Although I didn't fall off while riding this scooter, it is my first scooter that I would like to have not only a helmet, but also all possible protections when driving over 50 km/h.


Kaabo Mantis King GT has been on the market for 2 years. While we all shy away from buying older electronic products in the hope that the newer ones have more advanced technology, that's not the case with this scooter. Even today, it is one of the fastest accelerating scooters in its category, and the top speed is more than adequate.

True, like others, this scooter has its drawbacks. The steering column doesn't provide a complete sense of security, although it didn't cause too much of a problem during testing. A more serious problem, which may have only occurred with our test model, is steering wheel movement at higher speeds. Personally, this is one of the main reasons why I would choose the Teverun Fighter Mini Pro scooter today.

Kaabo Mantis King GT
60V 24Ah
EU warehouse
1899 €1400 €
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Shipping from the EU warehouse takes about 1-2 weeks on average. There are no additional taxes or duties to pay, everything is taken care of by the seller.



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